Mission Teams

What to Expect

  • We desire to put Christ first in all of our work and to glorify Him in all aspects of your time with Onthatile. There will be evangelism opportunities, both on and off our ministry property. We will spend time studying and applying God’s word through church, small group, and team bible studies. The truth of the Gospel is our purpose and we are excited to see the ways your team will make difference for Christ with our children, our community, and in South Africa.

  • We aim to touch the lives of everyone in the group and to give them a view of what missionary life is like. It is our desire that the time spent in ministry with Onthatile will challenge each team member in their service of Christ and in their personal relationship with Him. We hope that each team member leaves with a better understanding of God, how to pray for missionaries, a heart for overseas ministry, and a willingness to serve the Lord in whatever capacity of service He calls them to.

  • The projects and outreach you will participate in at Onthatile will be purposeful and meaningful. There are lots of options to meet the desires and skills of each group serving with us. Groups in the past have hosted a Holiday Bible Club (Vacation Bible School) in low-income communities, assisted with building and renovation projects on our property, provided care, relief, and training for our staff, and engaged in relationship with local pastors and missionaries for the purpose of Christian encouragement. Whatever you can do we have a way we can use it for the glory of Christ!

  • If our goal were to only get tasks done, it would be better to send your money and have us hire locals to do the work. But that isn’t our goal with mission teams. We want you not just to do things, but to understand how this ministry and others work, to gain an understanding of SA culture, and see first-hand how Christ is at work among the nations. As a result, you will be better able to understand how Christianity transcends culture and how to pray for your brothers and sisters all over the world.

  • Up close encounters with African animals, eating lunch with zebras, learning about the rich and tragic history of South Africa, eating wild game cooked on an open fire, trying South African favorites like chicken feet and mopani worms—Onthatile offers the opportunity to serve the Lord while having a great time doing it!

God isn't looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.

-Hudson Taylor

Empty Street in Johannesburg South Africa